Exodus 25-31 – Follow the Instructions

You read the words…”Some assembly required.” You open the box and find several pages of instructions. Do you follow the instructions to the letter, or do you think to yourself, “This doesn’t look that hard,” and discard the instructions?
Some people follow instructions better than others. Some will follow instructions unwaveringly, because they believe they were given for a reason…even if they can’t see that reason at the time. Some will ignore instructions and do it their own way…questioning the reasons for the instructions and seeing them as an impediment to quick results.
In Exodus chapters 25-31, God gives His people very specific instructions on how they are to construct the tabernacle and everything associated with it. God expects His people to follow these instructions to the letter…even though they have no way of understanding all the reasons behind the instructions.
These chapters remind us that as believers, God gives us specific instructions for building our lives, and we are called to follow those instructions, whether we understand the reason or not. If we follow the instructions, we will be shining and meaningful living tabernacles in the midst of a dry and dusty wilderness. If we don’t follow God’s instructions, we will be disjointed and confusing structures that look no different than everything else around us.
We need to take a deep breath, slow down, and carefully follow God’s instructions. It may be hard to see in the beginning, but In the end you’ll understand the reason and be glad you did.


Bret Legg is the Teaching and Counseling Pastor at Warren Baptist Church in Augusta, GA.

Exodus 24 – The One Thing God Wants

The mark of a true relationship is not found in the things two people do together. Nor is it found in the things they accumulate and share together. The mark of a true relationship is found in the quantity and quality of the time they spend together.
God’s desire is that we have a personal, growing relationship with Him. He wants us to move beyond a shallow and superficial relationship, to a relationship of depth and intimacy. This comes when we spend both quantity and quality time with Him.
Exodus chapter 24 give us a picture of the relationship God desires to have with us.
Relationships are not built and deepened by two people “touching base” occasionally. Deep relationships take on-going time. God calls Moses, not only to come to Him, but to stay with Him. (Ex. 24:12) Moses was with God six days, before God spoke to Him. Then Moses spent 40 days and 40 nights just being with God.
Like Moses, God calls us to approach Him. (Ex. 24:1-2) (James 4:8) Then, God wants us to have intimacy with Him by seeing Him as He really is. (Ex. 24:10-11) (Matt. 17:2) And finally, the more clearly we see Him, the more His glory will settle on us…and the more people will see Him through us. (Ex. 24:15-17) (John 3:30) (Phil. 2:15)
God already has rule, reign, and riches. The one thing God wants more than anything else is a relationship with us. And He’s chosen not to demand or force this, because true relationships must be born out of free will.
The desire of God’s heart is to be with you. Is the feeling mutual?


Bret Legg is the Teaching and Counseling Pastor at Warren Baptist Church in Augusta, GA.