How Can You Sleep At A Time Like This?

Rock Climber 250x250When I was young, I fell asleep while a dentist was working on my teeth.  I had not been given anything to relax me.  I just fell asleep.  The dentist couldn’t believe it, and called my mom back just to see it.

Whether it’s the dentist or something else, we all face trouble in life.  When trouble begins to stack up or go on for a long time, we can get discouraged and overwhelmed.

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What Is Your Benchmark?

Surveyor in Field 250x250Surveyors use a benchmark to determine clear boundaries.  A benchmark is a point of reference from which everything else is measured.  It’s a point that’s unchanging and immovable, because a benchmark that changes will skew all the other measurements.

Whether we realize it or not, all of us operate from some sort of benchmark.

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