Numbers 32 – Are You a Musketeer?

“One for all and all for one!” What a concept! This declaration comes from “The Three Musketeers. It’s an ideal that is not only admirable, but longed for by most. We all long to be a part of a community that truly demonstrates loyalty, dependability, care, and concern.

These qualities should characterize God’s people, no matter what point in history we find ourselves.

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Marriage is for Losers

-2015“Marriage is for Losers!” This sounds like something some guy in his late teens or early twenties might loudly proclaim at a party with lots of pretty girls and alcohol.  It also sounds like something someone might mumble when walking out of divorce court.

So why would I say something like this? I’m a big believer in marriage. I want to see marriages succeed and thrive. Why would I say, “Marriage is for losers”?

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