God doesn’t always make sense. Sometimes, it’s because He sees so much further down the road than we do. Sometimes, it’s because He’s teaching us to trust Him. But whatever the reason, God doesn’t always make sense, and this is why faith is such a critical element to both our salvation and our day-to-day walk.
Can you imagine what Moses must have been thinking in Exodus chapter 5?…
“God, You went out of Your way to get my attention by using a burning bush. Then You were explicitly clear that You wanted me to go back to Egypt to set Your people free from bondage. You even gave me my brother Aaron to help me speak to Pharaoh and miracles to do in Pharaoh’s presence. And now that I’ve done what you wanted me to do, the people have been put under even more bondage! God, you said you saw the bondage of the people and wanted to bring it to an end, not increase it! Did I miss something here?!”
Ever felt this way? Ever felt like God is not making sense in your current circumstance?
When God doesn’t seem to be making sense in your current circumstance, you need to place your faith and focus on God more than your circumstance. Remember…
- God is faithful and can be no other way. (Duet. 32:4)
- God’s ways are very different than our ways. (Isa. 55:8)
- God has promised to never leave or forsake you, even when things get difficult. (Isa. 43;2) (Matt. 28:20)
To sum it up…It’s not what you know about your circumstances. It’s Who you know in your circumstances.
Bret Legg is the Teaching and Counseling Pastor at Warren Baptist Church in Augusta, GA.