1 Chronicles 15 – How do You Handle Mistakes?

No one likes making mistakes, but we all make them. So the key is in how you respond to your mistakes.

Some attempt to avoid mistakes by never attempting anything new or different. Others act as if the mistake is no big deal and proceed on the same path. Neither of these responses works well. The first is unproductive and the second is unwise.

But there is a third way to respond to mistakes that’s both productive and wise, and that’s to learn from your mistake and make the appropriate adjustments.This was David’s response in 1 Chronicles chapter 15, with regards to moving the Ark of the Covenant. In 1 Chronicles chapter 13, David didn’t stop to consider how God wanted the Ark moved, and it cost a man his life. (1 Chron. 13:9-10)

Though David didn’t disregard the mistake and continue moving the Ark, he did try to avoid further mistakes by just not taking any more action.

But, in 1 Chronicles chapter 15, David learns from his mistake and makes the appropriate adjustments. He acknowledges God’s sovereignty, asks for God’s direction, and aligns himself with those instructions. The result was not only success but joy and celebration.

How do you handle your mistakes? Do you (1) back away from doing anything so you don’t make a mistake, (2) ignore the mistake and keep moving forward, or (3) survey the situation, search out God, and seek to learn from your mistake? (Hint…the prize is behind door #3)

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