Joshua 1 – Some Things Change and Some Things Never Do

In the last movie of the “Matrix” trilogy, there is a line that sticks in my head. There, the character of Morpheus says, “Some things never change, and some do.” It may not seem very profound, especially taken out of context, but this statement is applicable to a lot of life.

In Joshua chapter 1, there is a major change taking place. The great Moses – probably the most revered and feared man among the people of that day – dies and his position as the leader of the Children of Israel must be filled. How do you replace Moses?! Think of all he did…

  • Repeatedly confronting Pharaoh.
  • Calling down plagues.
  • Parting the Red Sea.
  • Miraculously providing food and water in the desert.
  • Communing face-to-face with God.
  • Delivering the 10 Commandments.

Moses left some pretty big shoes to fill, and the idea that anyone could live up to Moses’ legacy must have been difficult to imagine.

But in the face of such a major change, the people are reminded that some things are still the same.

  • God’s presence and promises are still the same.
  • His covenant and care are still the same.
  • God’s purposes and power are still the same.

God promises to be the same God with Joshua that He was with Moses.

The same is true for us. God promises to be the same God for us that He was with Moses. The same presences, power, and purpose. The same everything! (Heb. 6:16-18) So like Joshua, we can be strong and courageous in the midst of radical change. For we know that even though some things change…some things never do!” (Heb. 13:8)

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