Numbers 12 – I Want to Be More Like Moses

I want to be like Moses. It’s not that I want to walk around with a big stick and a glowing face, calling down plagues and parting large bodies of water. It’s not even that I want to be some big-time leader over a large group of people.

In Numbers chapter 12,  Moses demonstrates three qualities that I need more of…

  1. Moses was humble. Despite all of his accomplishments and achievements, Moses maintained a deep humility. (Num. 12:3) There was no one on earth more humble than Moses. Humility comes from seeing yourself in light of who God is. When you walk close to the side of the Infinite, Almighty God, it puts things in perspective.
  2. Moses was faithful. (Num. 12:7) For Moses, it was God’s way…period! There were no other options. Yes, there was that time with striking the rock, where Moses was uncharacteristically unfaithful. But that also brought some uncharacteristically harsh discipline. (Num. 20:1-13). Still, 99% of the time, Moses did what God told him to do, promptly and completely.
  3. Moses was merciful. Despite the trouble, burden, and frustration the people brought upon him, he ended up praying for their healing and their forgiveness. (Num. 12:13) Moses didn’t seem interested in holding grudges. He was more interested in seeing others get it…get God and all that God had for them.

Because Moses was humble, faithful, and merciful, he was allowed to see the very form of God! (Ex. 33:18-23) This is what Jesus talked about in Matthew 5:8. In fact, Moses lived out the characteristics of the Beatitudes. (Matt. 5:3-12) This was the real power of Moses.

So again…I want to be like Moses.

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