2 Chronicles 13 – The Power of One

The power of change often rests in the power of one. One voice, one word, one song, one story, and one person. These can change the course of lives and history.

We’ve all heard these stories. People like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela brought about major changes in history with their one lone voice and influence.

But, is it only a few special people that can do that? For instance, in 2 Chronicles 13, king Abijah changed the course of Judah. But was it simply because he had the station of King, or was it more than that?

The power of one is not derived from a person’s station in life. Moses and David were common shepherds, Martin Luther King Jr. was a simple black pastor from the south, and Nelson Mandela was a prisoner. Yet, they all became prominent individuals who leveraged the power of one to change the world, because long before they had a station in life, they took a stance in life. For Abijah, that stance was:

  • Declare the person of God.
  • Depend on the power of God.

Abijah was committed to this stance, and God was faithful to elevate his station.

Remember this…it’s not your station in life but your stance in life that will determine whether you see seas part, giants fall, and movements start. The power of one comes when we declare and depend on the power of the One.

1 Chronicles 29 – Use Your Superpower Wisely

As a kid, I loved reading comic books about superheroes and dreaming about having superpowers and special abilities.

I still read superhero comic books as an adult and have come to believe that people can have special abilities. Oh, they might not be able to fly or shoot laser rays from their eyes, but everyone has a special ability or two that can change situations and help others.

One special ability we all have is the ability to set the tone or atmosphere for what’s going on around us. Think of it…

  • A wife has the power to change the atmosphere and the attitude of her husband just in how she greets him when he comes home.
  • A father can change the attitude and outlook of a son who struck out in how he interacts and responds to the son after the game.
  • A friend can change the hopelessness of a grieving friend just by their presence and reassurance.

To change the very atmosphere of another through our presence, our words, and our actions…that is a superpower!

In 1 Chronicles chapter 29, we see David using his ability to set the tone for Solomon’s future kingdom. First, he sets an atmosphere through his actions. (1 Chron. 29:2-5) David’s actions of generosity impact the people so much they follow his example and give generously. Then, David sets an atmosphere through his words. (1 Chron. 29:10-19) David’s words toward God are so honest and passionate the people passionately worship and praise God.

We often believe the special ability to set the tone and atmosphere of others is given only to charismatic people. But we each possess this special ability. In fact, we can’t turn it off! This power is always at work…for the good or the no-so-good.

So use your superpower wisely. Because, as Spiderman was once told, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

1 Chronicles 28 – How to Accomplish More

How do they do it? The movers. The shakers. The accomplishers. The Bill Gates. The Steve Jobs. The Walt Disneys. The Jeff Bazos. How do they do it?

In 1 Chronicles chapter 28, we’re privileged to listen in as one accomplisher hands down instructions to his successor. King David, the shepherd boy turned world-renowned leader, shares with his son Solomon what he needs to know to successfully carry on the work.

First, David covers the personal aspect of being an accomplisher.

He reminds Solomon to not forget personal history. David reminds Solomon of how God has been active in their personal history. (1 Chron. 28:2-7)

Then, David points to the need for personal growth. He urges Solomon to know the God of his ancestors, worship God personally, and serve God with a whole heart and a willing mind.

In the second half of the chapter, David moves from the personal aspect of being an accomplisher to the project aspect of being an accomplisher.

He points to project preparation. In 1 Chron. 28:11-19, David gives Solomon all the advance plans and preparations he (David) had made. David had spent time planning and preparing for every part of the project…long before the project actually got underway.

And finally, David points to project growth. He encourages Solomon not to get overwhelmed or discouraged by the size of the work, but rather to courageously move forward in the work, trusting God for guidance and completion.

Though we may never rule a nation, plan a battle, or build a major edifice, everything we need to accomplish can come to pass if we follow David’s example: (1) remember our personal history, (2) commit to personal growth, (3) prepare for the project ahead of us, and (4) consistently push toward project growth rather than getting overwhelmed or discouraged.

So, if you want to be more of an accomplisher, I encourage you to follow these four strategies of David.

1 Chronicles 23-27 – If Organization Is Not Your Thing

Some people are organizers and some are not. A person who is not very organized is probably not suited to be an accountant, and a very organized person may not be suited for a position requiring a lot of creativity and inventiveness…like art, comedy, etc.

1 Chronicles chapters 23-27 may seem boring and tedious to read, but they show King David setting up a strong organizational structure by applying three concepts of organization.

The first key to organization is DIVISION. When you look at everything that needs to be done, it can seem overwhelming. But dividing it into parts will make it more manageable. As the old saying goes, “Inch by inch is a cinch. Yard by yard is hard.”

The second key to organization is DELEGATION. You can’t be responsible for all the parts yourself. If you tried, you couldn’t do a quality job on all of them. You must seek out the right people for the right jobs and delegate. In 1 Chronicles 23-27, tasks are delegated both by capability and by “sacred lots.” The first relies on the person’s ability to do the job and the second relies on God to bring the right person for the job. Both are important.

And finally, the third key to organization is DEDICATION. Both the delegated and the delegator must be dedicated to the part they play. The delegated must be dedicated to carrying out their job to the best of their ability. And the delegator must be dedicated to following, supporting, and encouraging the delegated. This helps the organization run smoothly and creates camaraderie and loyalty between the delegator and the delegated.

These three concepts require ongoing effort to maintain. If you’re a natural organizer, they are probably second nature to you. If you’re not a natural organizer, you must exercise a conscious effort to remember and implement them. But, if you aspire to leadership and want to accomplish more, you must grow in these areas.

So, how are you doing, and which one do you need to Improve?

1 Chronicles 22 – What Are You Leaving Behind?

In volleyball, there’s something called the “setup” where one player sets the ball in a good position for their teammate to score. In the setup, one player foregoes scoring making it possible for another to successfully score.

In 1 Chronicles chapter 22, David is making preparation, not for his success, but for his son’s success. Though David desired to build a temple for God, God gave that responsibility to his son, Solomon. So, David determined he would prepare and provide what was necessary for his son to be successful in carrying out that responsibility. David not only provided the materials of gold, silver, cedar, and stone; but he also provided story (1 Chron. 22:7-10) and wisdom (1 Chron. 22:13) to Solomon.

We need to learn from this example. We live in an age where everyone seems to be looking out for themselves and their own causes. This is can be an unproductive and dangerous norm to follow for it shows little concern for the generations to follow.

Yes, we need to see to our own needs, but we also need to be working for those who come after us. We need to leave a positive legacy for the next generation. One that will help them rather than hurt them.

What are you leaving behind, spiritually, relationally, emotionally, and materially for those who will come after you? Are you contributing to the building of the next generation, or are you consumed with your own stuff? What’s one thing you can do to pour into the next generation?

1 Chronicles 17 – Home is Where the Heart Is

There’s a saying, “Home is Where the Heart is.” This speaks to the fact that “home” is less about the structure and the geographic location, and more about being with the people you love.

God has to remind David of this in 1 Chronicles chapter 17. The chapter opens with David settling into his new home…the palace. And David is so grateful, he desires to honor God by building Him a magnificent home or temple in which to dwell.

But God stops David and reminds him that His “home” has always been mobile. God has always made his home, not in a place, but with His people. When it comes to a “home,” it’s not about a structure or a geographic location, but rather it’s about being with His people.

God goes on to tell David that one of David’s sons will build a house for God. Historically, God is speaking of Solomon and the temple he would build after David’s death. But theologically God is speaking of Jesus…the Son of David…who would sacrifice Himself on the cross to pay for our sins and clear the way for God to dwell with us and in us.

The Apostle Paul, speaking to believers in Corinth, said…

“Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?” – 1 Corinthians 3:16 (NLT)

And God still desires that His “home” be mobile, so as to go where the people are. Only now, instead of a tent of cloth and poles, God wants to dwell in a tent of flesh and blood…first with Jesus, and now with us.

For God, home is where the heart is. And His heart is with his people.

1 Chronicles 16 – Worship

There are some words that we use so often they lose their impact and meaning. Words like “sale” and “awesome” are good examples.

Likewise, we can use many church and religious words so much they become cliché.

One example is the word “worship.” So often, we use this word to refer to a scheduled event where people gather together to sing songs and listen to a person deliver a message. (“Worship is at 11:00 today.”) Or we use “worship” to refer to the act of singing together before a message. (“The pastor’s message was good and the worship was strong.”)

But using “worship” in these ways really dumbs down the truer sense of the word. In 1 Chronicles chapter 16, you get a rich taste of what “worship” really means. Worship is a positive reaction to the goodness and glory of God. Worship involves:

  • Recognizing Who He is and what He’s done.
  • Thanking Him for Who He is and what He’s done.
  • Desiring to know Him and to know Him better.
  • Proclaiming His character.
  • Urging others to worship Him through your example.

Worship is so much more than music or a scheduled event. It’s a spiritual experience. It’s meeting God.

Yes, David did provide for music, musicians, and scheduled times of worship. But these were all means to an end…not the end itself. These things were to facilitate worship, not be worship.

When’s the last time you really worshipped? Not went to a service or sang songs of worship, but really, truly reacted to the goodness and glory of God? Maybe it’s time.

1 Chronicles 15 – How do You Handle Mistakes?

No one likes making mistakes, but we all make them. So the key is in how you respond to your mistakes.

Some attempt to avoid mistakes by never attempting anything new or different. Others act as if the mistake is no big deal and proceed on the same path. Neither of these responses works well. The first is unproductive and the second is unwise.

But there is a third way to respond to mistakes that’s both productive and wise, and that’s to learn from your mistake and make the appropriate adjustments.This was David’s response in 1 Chronicles chapter 15, with regards to moving the Ark of the Covenant. In 1 Chronicles chapter 13, David didn’t stop to consider how God wanted the Ark moved, and it cost a man his life. (1 Chron. 13:9-10)

Though David didn’t disregard the mistake and continue moving the Ark, he did try to avoid further mistakes by just not taking any more action.

But, in 1 Chronicles chapter 15, David learns from his mistake and makes the appropriate adjustments. He acknowledges God’s sovereignty, asks for God’s direction, and aligns himself with those instructions. The result was not only success but joy and celebration.

How do you handle your mistakes? Do you (1) back away from doing anything so you don’t make a mistake, (2) ignore the mistake and keep moving forward, or (3) survey the situation, search out God, and seek to learn from your mistake? (Hint…the prize is behind door #3)

1 Chronicles 14 – Telling Stories

Some storytellers are not good at telling a story. Maybe they ramble or get sidetracked easily. Or maybe they put in too many details and give too much backstory. Whatever it is, when they’re done telling the story the listener wonders, “What was the point? Why are they telling me this story?”

Then, there are other storytellers who make the point crystal clear. They are concise and they use just the right amount of detail. Consequently, the point of the story hits you like a freight train.

1 Chronicles chapter 14 fits the latter description. It’s a short and concise chapter, but after you’ve read it you have no doubt about the point the storyteller is making.

And what is the point of 1 Chronicles chapter 14? Simply that David’s success was fostered by three key actions: acknowledging God, asking God, and aligning with God.

David consistently acknowledged that God (not David) had made him king, won the battles, and caused all the nations to fear him. (1 Chron. 14:2,11,17.) And David consistently asked God for direction before making a major move or decision. (1 Chron. 14:10,14) And finally, not only did David ask God for direction, he aligned himself with God by following those directions.

Could it be that the story of our life seems confusing and pointless because we’re not acknowledging God, asking for His direction, and aligning ourselves with Him? Incorporating these three actions into your life will help you live out a clear and powerful story for others to read.

1 Chronicles 12 – How to be Influential

Ever know someone who naturally attracted a following? The kind of person others just want to be around. Maybe they’re inviting, or commanding, or confident, or assuring. But whatever it is, they draw people like a magnet.

This was David. In 1 Chronicles chapter 12 we learn of some of the people who were drawn to David. These people were not nobodies. They were mighty warriors, renown for who they were and what they could do.

  • They were excellent marksmen with both their right and their left hand. (1 Chron. 12:2)
  • They were experts in both offense (spear) and defense (shield.) (1 Chron. 12:8)
  • They were fierce and quick. (1 Chron. 12:8)
  • They were powerful in that the weakest of them could take on 100 troops. (1 Chron. 12:14)

And more of these competent and qualified people were drawn to David daily.


A look at David’s life gives us some clues.

But most importantly, David was passionately focused on God. He wanted to serve God and submit to God’s desire. (1 Samuel 17:26,37,45-47) (1 Chron. 12:17) This quality made David both successful (1 Chron. 11:9) and magnetic. (1 Chron. 12:22, 38-40)

Most of us would like to be influential, but are we willing to passionately focus on God? If you want to be influential, start there.